The setting is integrated in and supports full access to the greater community, including opportunities to:
b. engage in community life
Community Life - Residential
• Engagement in Community Life
- Do individuals have staff support to assist them in participating in
activities in the community (i.e. personal care assistance)? - Do individuals have regular (more than once per week)
opportunities for contact with people who don't live in the home
and not receiving services (family, friends, neighbors, etc.)? - Do individuals participate in activities in integrated settings (i.e.
religious, social, cultural, recreational, etc.) comparable to peers
(i.e. people of similar age, people without disabilities)?
Community Life – Day Program
• Engagement in Community Life
- Do individuals interact with the general public either through
visitation to the program and/or activities in the general
community? - Are individuals learning and engaging in activities in the
community comparable to peers (e.g. people of similar age;
people without disabilities, etc.)? - Do individuals have staff support to assist them in participating in
activities in the community (e.g. personal care assistance)?
Community Life - Employment
• Engagement in Community Life
- Do working individuals interact with members of the community
(i.e. providing training to prepare for work, customers purchasing
goods, etc.)? - Do individuals, either employed or preparing for employment,
routinely interact with the general public through visitation to the
program and/or activities in the general community (i.e. providing
training to prepare for work; customers purchasing goods and
services; selling products at a Farmer’s Market, etc.)?
1. Rules are basic rights afforded to all members
2. Its not just about the location of where the services are
provided, but its about the individual’s experience and
3. Rights may be limited, on a case-by-case basis, if they
jeopardize the health and safety of the member and/or
- Must be documented in the service plan
- Strategies developed and monitored to restore rights
For more information visit
Visit the AHCCCS Home and Community Based Settings Rules webpage
To see the AHCCCS Home and Community Based Services provider training click Here
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